BTMR ZenHome | Luxury Bath, Body & Wellbeing Range

Shop BTMR ZenHome - our Luxury Bath and Body Range,  which includes the best selling Soul Soothers collection as well complementary, eco friendly natural bath time accessories.

Soul BombsMEGA Bath Bombs, Aromatherapy & Essential Oil Bombs, Pamper Pops, Fizzers and Heart Bombs

Soul Soaks - Aromatherapy Bath potions, made from Sea Salts and Essential Oils

Soul Cleanse - Luxury Hand Crafted Soap and Soap Flowers

Soul Strokes- Have a massage with our massage sets and aromatherapy oils.

Soul Scents - Clear your mind and soul with our range of scented crystals, fragrance and essential oils, we also have Smudge Sticks, Incense sticks and cones including backflow

Soul Flames  - 100% Organic & Vegan Friendly Aromatherapy Soy Candles, Scented tealights

Soul Melts - Luxury Natural Soy Wax Melts.